Tucson (Arizona) – On January 13th, 1989 , on the Kino Parkway, with an official ceremony, the Arizona Historical Society, dedicated to Padrer Kino the first of the “Three statues for three Nations” by the Mexican sculptor Julian Martinez.
In 1700 Father Manuel González wrote to Padre Kino that if, as it was his wish, he would have found a land route to California the following words “We have to erect a statue of value and reputation, and if the path is short, there will be two statues!” Providence wanted that the promise of the Father González was maintained and a third statue came too!
As a matter of fact, in the following years, the other two twin statues will be placed in Segno (Italy), his native village, and Magdalena de Kino (Mexico) the place where he died and was buried.
More on the Kino statues at: http://padrekino.com/kino-s-legacy/monu/