from a post of the “Eusebio Kino” profile on Facebook
Three hundred seventy-one years after Padre Kino’s birth

Bishop Gerald Kicanas of the Diocese of Tucson offers communion to those gathered on the Mexican side of the border wall during a special border mass to honor migrants who have died in the Sonoran Desert. April 2014 at the border wall in Nogales, Arizona.
His 30 years of work for human dignity and peace is carried on by the Kino Border Initiative. The Kino Border Initiative, consisting of 6 organizations in the U.S. and Mexico, directly assists migrants in Kino’s Sonoran Desert Borderlands. It also advocates for new regional and national immigration policies that are humane and just. No greater gift can be given to honor the memory of our heroic Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino S.J. – “the noblest Southwesterner of all.” ¡ Viva Padre Kino ! More about Kino’s living legacy at: