A special thank you to the friends from the Facebook profile EUSEBIO KINO https://www.facebook.com/eusebio.kino.56?hc_ref=SEARCH that give us many tips to enrich of news our website; here’s another post:

Baker’s Don Guerra, in front of his Italian bread oven

The Heritage Bread of Padre Kino
Pan de Kino – Kino’s Bread.” Top 10 U.S. Baker Don Guerra created a special stencil to Barrio Bread’s signature “Heritage Bread” loaf. Don added a Kino Wheat image in celebration of this May’s upcoming regional Kino Wheat harvest. BKW Farms will harvest its 40 acres soon along with other growers in Arizona and Sonora. Kino’s gift of winter wheat to the O’odham people for both eating and planting is one of his greatest legacies. It provided the O’odham with year round food security especially in the months of spring when they faced the possibility of starvation. More about Barrio Bread at:
You can find mor about Kino Wheat at:
“Peace, Bread and Work.” Thank you Don Guerra!